Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Ouh Là! Tellement de pluie!

Wow, these past few days have been crazy here in Normandy! Earlier last week we were hit by a blizzard, and this week it's torrential downpour! 

I left my apartment yesterday to find this! I have a run off ditch in front of my gates for the field to the right of the photo and it had turned into a full on river! Might not seem all that significant, but it's usually empty...

When I finally went to le supermarché, after battling through torrential downpour, there was a brief gap in the rain, and I turned around to see this! Un arc-en-ciel! Made me feel a little bit better... 

 After coming back from the supermarket (I went to Cora, if you're interested) I got rid of some old bread and fed les canards... Poor things, the river was running so fast because of all the extra water.

However, today, I stayed at home and made these. Much better idea than trying to face the hurricane coming down outside my door! They aren't very french (it does use apples though...) but american, and they're called apple dumplings. I made mine with apples and plums... much tastier than they look! Perfect with a cup of tea...

La recette 

A la procahine!

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